BALA does not approve of healthy men with fat chick fetishes
I have a plan. Of course since I am the smartest thing to ever live, my plan is ingenious.
This plan is orchestrated to enable superior genetic matches between breeding couples to advance my species.
Unlike period England when I initiated plague #355, obesity is not an indication of wealth and status.
Bala did not create genetially superior male specimens for them to engage in lewd fornication with girthly hindered members of the opposite sex.
When an acceptable match occurs, I dispise seeing the male craving the attention or retina filling experience of bulging oestrogen sacks.
This makes these "women" believe they are superior to other better looking oestrogen sacks, and even believe they can look down on (if their many chins allow for it) them. THIS DISPLEASES BALA.
It becomes a terrible Bala un-approved cycle whereby these obesely adipose filled female tissue masses will not loose weight due to their false sense of self esteem, desirability and superiority. All thanks to the men who garishly lust over the many rolls and caverns of the afforementioned fatties.
Specimen A: Confident oestrogen filled sac on bike |
This attention spawns more confidence in their vast being and in fact can lead to increace in fatty tissue. When Bala's wishes are denied and these things breed, assuming they can carry a foetus to term without digesting it internally, the result and subsequent lardy upbringing is that an inferior and poorer genetic spawn of a human being exists.
Specimen 2: resultant offspring of unaproved coupling |
In turn this decreases the solidarity of the Bala master race, watering it down with fat calls and depleting the natural resources of the planet I have so kindly lent you pathetic swines.
Specimen 3: Bala created resources, stop fucking wasting them! |
In addition, Bala would have superior males know that he would prefer (if you MUST enagage in coitus with a non approved female) you to fornicate with farm animals as there is a much lower probability of reproduction.